Heller Ritz Photography
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A day without Sunshine is like, you know, night. ~Steve Martin


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xo Hayley

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Friday, June 3, 2011

And SEW, I Try Again

I am still attempting to sew a masterpiece. I must admit, I am quite happy with the outcome of this one. But, there is still work to be done.

My original goal--to sew matching newsboy caps for Nicholas and his cousin, Teagan--sent me on a pattern search. As you can imagine, I was delighted when I discovered
this magnificent tutorial on You Tube.

My first attempt was quite successful (for Teagan), but Nicholas's hat (exactly the same) would only fit on, well, Teagan. So, I decided to try again.

I had some leftover giraffe material that I used to make Teagan's towel. (BTW, he wasn't a fan.) So, I enlarged the newsboy cap pattern and began again.

For those of us, like me, with large heads, my hat is perfect! For those of you, with puny average sized heads, I will have to give it another go.

Giraffe Hat_Day 2Giraffe Hat on BlueDISNEY CRUISEJust Say No to Animal Print Towels

See? Not a fan.

1 comment:

Mapa said...

Perfect...for people with big heads, but what do the average folks wear? (Good job...this is the exact hat I was telling you the little girl wore yesterday)