Heller Ritz Photography
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A day without Sunshine is like, you know, night. ~Steve Martin


Thank you for stopping by! Here, you can join me in my eternal quest for sunshine. You will find posts of my latest photography ventures, peek into the lives of my private sunshine subjects, and learn about my quest for spreading kindness Because of Heller. I would love it if you left a comment to let me know you were here, and to share your sunshine too! If you would like to follow my journey, scroll down to Spread Some Sunshine and join me.

xo Hayley

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Join Us in Delivering Kindness

Thursday, June 3, 2010

I Heart Faces and Soles 4 Souls Deliver Kindness

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To know us, is to know that we love Chucks! If either one of my children is wearing shoes, you can almost rest assured they are Converse brand in one form or another. As you can see by this photo of Nicholas displaying "some" of his favorite footwear, when it comes to feet, we're covered. My favorite thing about these shoes, is they clean up beautifully. We can just "chuck" them into the washing machine and they come out shiny and new. The only drawback is, they don't grow with Nicholas. So, what can we do with these "gently worn" shoes when they no longer fit?

DONATE THEM! Soles 4 Souls can help.

Not every foot is "covered." Throughout the world, there are many individuals in desperate need of shoes. Created to facilitate the donations of shoes to those people who desperately need them, Soles 4 Souls is an amazing organization that is "changing the world one pair at a time."

This week, I Heart Faces is celebrating Feet, while delivering an important message of kindness. To see how others are delivering the message, go here.

And, to find out how you can get involved, go to Soles 4 Souls. Find out how you can make a difference.

And because this is a non-competition week at I Heart Faces, we can post as many photos as we like. We had such fun with this photo shoot, I just had to share more.

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"Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves." JM Barrie


Beth Curtis said...

those are awesome. I love the idea with the converse. Very clever!

Heather Gregory said...

Thanks for visiting and helping out. I LOVE your post!

Cathy said...

Such a great series of photos! The plaid ones remind me of a pair I had in high school. I can't wait to get my girl her first pair of converse.

Kirsty-Abu Dhabi said...

So, so gorgeous - he's a cutie pie and I adore those pics - and souls 4 soles sounds like such a great idea

Lauren Lefko said...

These are absolutely wonderful! Such a cute little model and a great idea for a series with converse! Love the one where the shoes are hanging on the pole with his head poking through.

marissa said...

He is just TOO gorgeous to be true!!!! Love the shot of the 'flying' chucks! Jaspers first 'shoes' were a pair of knitted chucks- we love them too :)