Heller Ritz Photography
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A day without Sunshine is like, you know, night. ~Steve Martin


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xo Hayley

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Slip 'n Slide into Summer!

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Slip N Slide Alternate Way_Tagged

Remember the Slip 'n Slide? Wham-O, Inc. first released this warm weather wonder in 1961. I loved mine! Slip 'n Slide is still around, but I believe my mind's eye remembers it with nostalgia, and not as it really was.

Perhaps because then, I didn't live in Florida, with the luxury of a backyard pool. Perhaps because our house had hills, and my Slip 'n Slide allowed us to actually slide (we didn't have to use a dog leash as a pulley). Perhaps because it wasn't my job to set up, clean up, or pay the water bill. For whatever reason, the Slip 'n Slide doesn't hold the charm for me that it used to.

I must admit, however, I am enjoying the photos of my children enjoying the Slip 'n Slide. They will remember it fondly.

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